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Conch, Conch Everywhere!

Conch is a pervasive part of the Bahamian culture and seascape. You see conch shells everywhere. On many of the islands where we have...

Little Farmer Cay Regatta

We are currently at the 5F-First Friday Fun Festival at Farmers Cay We were finally able to hook up with our good friends from our marina...


I love seeing dolphins while we are on the boat. There is something magical about them. We have seen very few dolphins in the Bahamas....

Pigs and Squids

We had heard about the swimming pigs of Staniel Cay even before we left New Bern and put it on our list of places to go. So far, we have...

Six Feet Under the Sea

We are anchored next to a pretty large private island called Bell Island. It's near Cambridge Cay in the central Exumas if you want to...


I am afraid of our fridge! Confessing this is a relief - the secret is out, but my manliness is irrevocably tarnished. In all honesty,...

The Bahamian People

It sounds like such a cliché, but the Bahamian people we have met are just so nice! They are pleasant, happy, seemingly content,...

Self Sufficiency on a Boat

Over the last three years, we have made modifications to the boat to make us more self -sufficient while cruising. Having never done this...

It's Windy - Again

So we’re told this is abnormal weather by residents and long-time cruisers. Even the weather experts seem a little confounded by this...

Hiking in Warderick Wells

Warderick Wells had some hiking maps in the office much like you might see in a state or national park in the US. It appeared the trails...

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