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  • David & Mary Beth

Stuck by the Weather

Anchorage in Warderick Wells. We are the sailboat all the way to the left.

Hi everyone! Just a quick post to let you all know we are still alive. We're in a beautiful park called Warderick Wells and we'll probably be here for another few days. It will be the longest time we've spent in one place since the journey started. While it is a very nice place, we would have moved on except for the weather. We are stuck on a mooring behind a cay to get some protection from the wind and seas. Although we could move on, it would be unpleasant especially given David's tendency to seasickness and even in this very protected spot, we are still getting bounced around a bit. And hey, we are retired so we have no schedule we have to stick to!

We've taken the opportunity to do some hiking on these islands, to do our first on-board hand laundry in a bucket, to read and do some hobby things. MB is hoping she will be able to talk David into starting the teak varnish job we have been procrastinating starting… We have no wifi or cell here. We've got some pictures and some other blogs to post once we get some connectivity, but that may not be for another week.

We'll send this via the long-distance radio to Ashley and ask her to post it for us (thanks Ashley). Swinging, rolling and bouncing on Regina Maris.

David and Mary Beth

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