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  • Mary Beth


Sometimes I wish we were bald! I feel like I am always cleaning up hair on the boat. I know, not a particularly entertaining topic, but it is driving me crazy! I get down on my hands and knees every morning and with a damp rag wipe up the hair off our wood floors and shake out our 5 rugs. How could we lose so much hair and not be bald already???? We could have made several pillows out of it by now! I have to assume we have the same amount of hair fall out when we are living in a house, but I guess it is just spread out over a larger area than our small boat living space so I don’t notice it as much.

Speaking of hair, a miracle has occurred. David has been able to grow a beard for the first time ever in his life! In the past it was always very patchy and looked like a rodent had been chewing on his face. This was a real honest to goodness beard! Looked a bit like the old man of the sea! Maybe the salt air contributed, who knows. He shaved it off though because it was too itchy. At least we know he can grow one now!

My hair is really something. Most of it has been bleached very blond by the sun, but the roots are a mixture of grey and black. David says mostly grey. It’s also wildly curly because the wind is always blowing. So you can just imagine how lovely my tri-colored hair is. Well you will have to imagine it, because no way am I posting a picture! I’ve decided to try to make the transition to not coloring it while we are on the boat. Not sure I will be able to hold out, but we’ll see.

We have been giving each other haircuts. We usually dinghy or paddle board over to a beach and do it there to keep all of the hair off the boat. My first one for David was better than the second one, but it took me forever to do it. I lived in fear of him cutting mine, but he actually did a good job. I said take ¾ of an inch off and when I saw some pieces that were 1-1/2 inches long fall on the sand, I got a bit worried. The fact that it is curly hides the mistakes.

David with new hair cut by MB:

So when we finally make it home in June, don’t be surprised if we both have shaved heads. It would just be easier!

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