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  • David

Home for Real

Well I can hardly believe it but we are actually back in the house in Greensboro. We had all our kids, including Ashley and Jesse, with us for a delicious takeout dinner from Olive Garden last night and it was delightful. It is very strange to have so much space, and after living on a boat for 6 months, we can't help but question why we have this large house when we have demonstrated we can live in a very small space pretty comfortably. However, we will probably feel differently once we adjust.

As many people who have spent long periods on the water will attest, it does seem like the whole house is rocking gently back and forth. We know it can't really be doing this, but it really does feel like it is. I can only hope that the winds and seas don't kick up here since I'm not sure the house is built to take rough rocking and rolling. :-)

Mary Beth and I both have long lists of things to do now that we're home, but I am finding it a little hard to start checking them off. I wander from one thing to another without really accomplishing anything. I suspect this will pass with time, but perhaps I am just lazy. Mary Beth on the other hand is in the yard pulling up weeds and cleaning up sticks. What is wrong with her?

We will get a small fix of sailing next weekend when we sail over to Ocracoke for the folk music festival, although the long range forecast is not too encouraging and we will probably pass if it is going to rain the whole time. We went to this festival two years ago and it was a lot of fun.

Pictures are coming - really!

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