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Stuck by the Weather

Anchorage in Warderick Wells. We are the sailboat all the way to the left. Hi everyone! Just a quick post to let you all know we are...

Cruising is a Strange Life

One aspect of this life of ours is the strange combination of sporadic urgent existential demands on our time (i.e., things that must be...

A Christmas Not Exactly as Planned!

We mentioned earlier that our 4 kids were coming to spend the week with us on the boat between Christmas Eve and New Years. We booked...

Coral Heads

From the name “coral heads,” which were sprinkled in various spots on the charts, I expected them to be interesting and very pretty round...

She Who Commands Ships in the Sea

On our overnight passage in the Atlantic Ocean transiting from the Abacos Islands in the northern most part of the Bahamas southward to...

A Night Passage Remembered

Those of you who have been reading our posts will know that I had many adventures and many new acquaintances on our first ocean passage. ...

Finally some Cruising Fun!

The skies somewhat cleared late yesterday and we finally left the marina after 10 days there. We motor sailed over to Hope Town and...

Christmas in the Bahamas

We are two weeks from Christmas, but I've had trouble getting into the Christmas spirit. When it's 80 degrees and sunny, it just doesn't...

Canine Terror in the Abacos

Today I took a long walk to an electrical store to get some hard to find fuses. I had called all over the island to find someplace that...

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