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Cumberland Island Pictures

Cumberland Island was where the Carnegie families spend their winters for a number of years. It is a pretty magical place, so even...

A Bunch of Pictures

Here's more pictures. You may have seen some before, but we hope you enjoy them.


The Bahamas continually blessed us with beautiful sunsets, so here are some of our favorites . Some of these may have been used before,...

The Final Jump Home

MB and I are both ready to get home. We are a few miles from Charlestown as I write this, but we have decided to jump offshore tomorrow...

The Good, the Bad and the Sublime

We like to pause and reflect on the experience at the end of long trips. At 6 months in length, this sailing trip is the longest trip...

The USA First Impressions

It is very eye-opening coming into the USA after a 6 month absence. We’re surprised at how positive our “first’ impressions are. To...

A Day Ashore with New Friends

When we got into Canaveral we met several other cruisers and as usual and got some recommendations on things to do in the area. The...

Best Laid Plans

Well, not surprisingly we didn’t end up where we planned in Florida. We did, however, find Florida so that’s good! The latest weather...

Collision at Sea

We’ve had our first close encounter of the boat kind. Actually it was more than a close encounter, it was a collision. Technically we...

Plotting a New Course

(not our boat...another boat in our anchorage) As I write this we are anchored in another beautiful spot and Mary Beth is standing at the...

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